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What is dyslexia in adults?

A look at dyslexia in adults, a disability that affects reading and writing. It can make it hard for a person to see the letters…

Dyslexics show a difference in sensory processing

Neuroscientists at MIT and Boston University have discovered that a basic mechanism underlying sensory perception is deficient in individuals with dyslexia, according to study published…

How to make saline solution

Saline solution is easy to make at home using salt and water. Here, we look at how to make saline solution, its uses, and how…

What role do immune cells play in dry eye?

Dry eye and inflammation that arise from disruption of moisturizing oil glands in the eyelids could be due to blockage by immune cells, a new…

What is a slit lamp exam?

A slit lamp exam is a routine procedure where a doctor shines a light into the eye to look for injuries or diseases. These may…

What to know about punctal plugs for dry eye

Punctal plugs are small medical devices that doctors can insert into the tear ducts in a procedure called punctal occlusion. The plugs may be temporary…