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‘I Thought I Had Woken Up to an Earthquake’: What We Heard This Week

“The first time I experienced it, I thought I had woken up to an earthquake.” — Nassim Zecavati, MD, of Children’s Hospital of Richmond in Virginia, discussing her personal experience with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

“It’s like giving the full sandwich rather than giving bread, salami, and tomato, and a little mustard and mayo separately. It’s just good to have the whole sandwich … it’s cleaner, it’s less messy.” — Jason Sperry, MD, MPH, of University of Pittsburgh, on a study showing whole blood plus component therapy was better than component therapy alone for patients with severe hemorrhage.

“We avoid healthcare at our own peril.” — Harvey Kaufman, MD, of Quest Diagnostics, on re-engaging with regular healthcare, such as cancer screenings, post-pandemic.

“There is still a pervasive perception that cerebral palsy only occurs in children with a history of prematurity or difficult delivery.” — Mary Dunbar, MD, of the University of Calgary in Alberta, on the development of a bedside prognostic tool to identify infants at risk for cerebral palsy.

“We’re not a drug company.” — P. J. Brooks, PhD, acting director of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences’ division of rare diseases and research innovation, on a project to make gene therapy more accessible.

“The biggest confounder here is that so many endometriosis patients have their disease poorly treated.” — Louise Perkins King, MD, JD, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, commenting on a study linking endometriosis with several psychiatric disorders through both genetic and phenotypic mechanisms.

“The healthcare system has not yet adjusted to this paradigm shift.” — Isabel Beshar, MD, of Stanford University, as more and more people are starting to self-manage abortions outside of the formal medical system.

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