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Why I tend to stay away from parties | Letter

) can use this variablenttt * to set the thickness of their underline.nttt *nttt * The thickness for each font type and weight is definednttt * in the underlineThickness object.nttt */nttt–source-text-decoration-thickness: 2px;ntt;ntheight: 24px;ntmax-height: 24px;ntbackground-color: #F6F6F6;ntpadding: 0 8px;ntborder-top: 1px solid #DCDCDC;ntcolor: #707070;nttext-align: left;ntbox-sizing: border-box;n;nttposition: relative;ntt&.visible {ntttvisibility: initial;ntt}ntt&.hidden {ntttvisibility: hidden;ntt}nt} {nttdisplay: none;nt} {nttposition: fixed;nttbottom: 0;nttwidth: 100%;nttntntttfont-family: GuardianTextSans, Guardian Text Sans Web, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;ntttfont-size: 0.75rem;ntttline-height: 1.35;ntttfont-weight: 400;nttt;nnttt/*nttt * Child elements (e.g. ) can use this variablenttt * to set the thickness of their underline.nttt *nttt * The thickness for each font type and weight is definednttt * in the underlineThickness object.nttt */nttt–source-text-decoration-thickness: 2px;ntt;ntheight: 24px;ntmax-height: 24px;ntbackground-color: #F6F6F6;ntpadding: 0 8px;ntborder-top: 1px solid #DCDCDC;ntcolor: #707070;nttext-align: left;ntbox-sizing: border-box;n;nt}[data-label-show=’true’]::before {nttcontent: ”;nttdisplay: block;nttheight: 24px;nttvisibility: hidden;nt}[data-label-show=’true’]:not(.ad-slot–interscroller)::before {nttcontent: attr(ad-label-text);nttdisplay: block;nttposition: relative;nttntntttfont-family: GuardianTextSans, Guardian Text Sans Web, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;ntttfont-size: 0.75rem;ntttline-height: 1.35;ntttfont-weight: 400;nttt;nnttt/*nttt * Child elements (e.g. ) can use this variablenttt * to set the thickness of their underline.nttt *nttt * The thickness for each font type and weight is definednttt * in the underlineThickness object.nttt */nttt–source-text-decoration-thickness: 2px;ntt;ntheight: 24px;ntmax-height: 24px;ntbackground-color: #F6F6F6;ntpadding: 0 8px;ntborder-top: 1px solid #DCDCDC;ntcolor: #707070;nttext-align: left;ntbox-sizing: border-box;n;nt} {nttntttfont-family: GuardianTextSans, Guardian Text Sans Web, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;ntttfont-size: 0.75rem;ntttline-height: 1.35;ntttfont-weight: 400;nttt;nnttt/*nttt * Child elements (e.g. ) can use this variablenttt * to set the thickness of their underline.nttt *nttt * The thickness for each font type and weight is definednttt * in the underlineThickness object.nttt */nttt–source-text-decoration-thickness: 2px;ntt;ntttext-align: left;nttposition: absolute;nttright: 3px;ntttop: -22px;nttpadding: 0;nttborder: 0;nt}n”},{“name”:”6gzy3t”,”styles”:”nt&.ad-slot–fluid {nttmin-height: 250px;nttline-height: 10px;nttpadding: 0;nttmargin: 0;nt}n”}]}”>

Source: TheGuardian