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Tell us about your home and park exercise tips and tricks

Lockdown is making it harder than ever to get enough exercise. Some of us aren’t allowed out at all; others are let out just once a day, or must stay close to home. Gyms are closed, classes cancelled, sports suspended. We can’t even walk to the railway station, or run for the bus.

Have you discovered any tricks to make the most of your limited opportunities, either at home or outdoors? Perhaps you’ve found a way to exercise without the usual equipment, an app or website that motivates you to get up and moving, or a way to make the most of your brief trips outside.

Share your tips

How do you make exercise enjoyable and rewarding now that it’s something that has to be planned, rather than just part of your day?

You can get in touch by filling in the form below. Your responses are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions.

One of our journalists may be in contact for publication before we publish, so please do leave contact details.


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Source: TheGuardian