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iMedicalApps: Taping Handbook Review

The “craze” of Kinesio taping dates back to the 1970s in Japan and Kenzo Kase, a Japanese chiropractor. He combined his know-how of human anatomy and musculoskeletal manipulation and worked with industry to create a special type of tape that was durable, flexible, and hypo-allergenic (for most). From there, the phenomenon went global. Today, thousands of practitioners and likely legions more of patients apply Kinesio tape for everything from common musculoskeletal conditions to complex medical conditions, including stroke.

I still recommend it to patients willing to try something that is relatively low cost, has some evidence to support its use and likely minimal risk of harm.

One of the most common questions of athletes and practitioners interested in Kinesio taping is the “how-to” of applying it. Where does it go for a particular condition/body part? How should it be cut/applied? A new app called the Taping Handbook provides step-by-step instructions for Kinesio taping of more than 40 body regions from head to toe, including common conditions such as shoulder pain, tennis elbow, low back pain, knee pain, Achilles tendinopathy, and plantar fasciitis.


  • Step-by-step instructions with quality illustrations
  • Detailed information on anatomy of each body region
  • Taping applications well-divided by body region/medical condition


  • No videos on proper application; only pictures
  • No information/evidence on Kinesio taping
  • Not available for Android

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